Of special interest

Replays of 2019 Worlds August 17

Congratulations to Inveraray & District on their World Championship win for 2019. If anyone would like to rewatch any of the MSR or Medley plays from this year they are still available on BBC at:


or you can talk to Bob McPhail who has mp3 copies of the top 6 finishers.



Posted by web_admin in Of special interest, 0 comments

Bands invited to BC Lions Salute to Veterans

Hi Pipe Band Members,

Thank you for your participation in previous BC Lions Salute to Veterans. We would be glad if you could join us again on Nov.2, 2019 during the half-time show at BC Place.

Attached is your official invitation.

Would you and your band like to participate? Looking forward to hearing from you.

*Bryan Lutz***|**Coordinator, Communications and Marketing**

The Royal Canadian Legion | BC/Yukon Command
#101 – 17618 58 Ave, Surrey, BC V3S 1L3
Office: 604.575.8840, ext 112|bryan.lutz@legionbcyukon.ca

Toll-free: 1-888-261-2211, ext 112
Website: *legionbcyukon.ca*
“We will Remember Them.”

Invitation – All Bands[8615]

Posted by web_admin in Of special interest, 0 comments

VE Day 75th Anniversary

To celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE day a three-day international celebration will take place from 8th May to 10th May 2020.
At 3pm on Friday May 8th thousands of pipers around the world will play Battle’s O’er, a traditional air performed on the bagpipes at the end of a battle, and VE Day 75, a tune specially composed for this event. The score for this tune can be found here:

VE Day 75th March

Here is a sound clip of the tune “VE 75 Years”

More information can be found at:

VE Day Celebrations

Posted by web_admin in Of special interest, 7 comments

Nov 11 special tribute

Hundreds of pipers around the world have registered for a once-in-a-lifetime tribute to mark the centenary of the end of the Great War.  This tribute kicks off at 06:00 (local time), Nov 11, with pipers around the world playing of the well known retreat march, ‘When the Battle’s O’er’.



Posted by web_admin in Of special interest, 0 comments